Last week Dr Ian Dungavell successfully completed his challenge to visit all of the listed Victorian and Edwardian pools still open for public swimming in England and swim a lap...
What people have been saying about the 1000 year swim challenge
The 1000 year swim challenge has really captured people’s imagination. Wherever I have swum, local people have thought it a great idea, and local media have turned out to cover...
Why the 1000 year swim?
Heritage swimming pools offer people a rare opportunity to immerse themselves in living history. With only 14 out of more than 50 listed Victorian and Edwardian pools still open for...
When? It’s all over!
Ian began his challenge, which amounted to a total of 1543 lengths or just over 22 miles, at Bramley Baths in West Yorkshire on Thursday 24 July 2008. Over the...