George Edmund Street Bicentenary Symposium – Day 1


G E Street (1824-1881), the bicentenary of whose birth we celebrate this year, was one of the most prolific architects of the nineteenth-century gothic revival. Best known today for his design of the Royal Courts of Justice on The Strand in London, he was principally an architect of churches and parochial buildings, which ran into the hundreds.

He was an accomplished designer of church plate, ironwork, stained glass and textiles and published frequently on gothic architecture. He became President of the Royal Institute of British Architects, a Royal Academician and Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy.

This symposium at St James the Less, celebrates Street’s work and achievements through a programme of talks in the morning, and visits to his works in the afternoon.

The morning will comprise three papers on G. E. Street and his work:

Richard Peats (Historic England): George Edmund Street and church restoration – destructively overconfident or a reverential conservationist?

Michael Hall (independent scholar, formerly editor of The Burlington): Stern and high: G. E. Street, Philip Webb and William Morris

David Brownlee (Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania): A Building Powered by Fusion: George Edmund Street and the Royal Courts of Justice

The doors will open at 09.30 and coffee/tea and biscuits will be served then and at the mid-morning break. The session will end at 12.45.

The afternoon walk shall comprise of visits to the Royal Courts of Justice on The Strand and the church of All Saints, Margaret Street. Meet outside the Royal Courts of Justice at 14.30. The tour shall end by 18.00.

Ticket Price: £30 for morning and £20 for the afternoon.
Date: June 21st, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Venue: St James the Less church, Thorndike Street, London SW1V 2PS. - View on map