Online Lecture: The London Gasketeers: The Fight to Save Westminster’s Historic Gas Lamps, by Luke Honey

The fight to save Westminster’s gas lamps: their historic importance, the story of gas lighting in London- and The London Gasketeers’ campaign to preserve them for future generations.

Luke Honey is a Chartered Art & Antiques Surveyor, a former auction specialist and writer. In December 2021, following Westminster Council’s decision to convert its remaining 275 working gas lamps to reproduction lanterns powered by LED, Luke joined forces with Tim Bryars (the antiquarian book dealer) to form The London Gasketeers: a popular group created to save- and preserve- London’s historic gas lamps for future generations. This is the story of their campaign. Why the London Gasketeers believe the lamps are worth saving; how they harnessed social media to gain widespread support; what they have achieved- so far- and, looking ahead, what the Gasketeers hope to achieve in the future.

All attendees will be sent a recording of the talk.

Image: Gas Lamps Creative Commons

Ticket Price: £6
Date: October 23rd, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm