Suffolk’s historic Fisons Factory destroyed in a major fire.
Suffolk’s historic Fisons Factory ablaze. Image Credit: Sky Cam East.
We are deeply saddened that an irreplaceable part of Suffolk’s heritage, the Fisons Factory, has burnt to the ground. Featured in our 2017 Top 10 Endangered Buildings campaign, the factory serves as an example of Suffolk’s thriving industrial past. We had been concerned to hear that a fire had damaged office buildings on the site earlier this month and had been the third fire on the site in just over a year. The company developing the site into homes, Paper Mill Lane Properties, had received warnings from Mid Suffolk District Council to improve security at the site. Fison’s left the site in 2003, and it has since fallen into a dilapidated state. Monday’s fire started at approximately 5am and quickly tore through the largely wooden structure. It is crucial that derelict buildings are adequately secured to ensure destruction on this scale is prevented and our heritage protected.