It is with enormous sadness that the The Victorian Society announces the sudden death of Dr Geoff Brandwood.
We are sure that members will share our sorrow at this news.

Photo: Geoff Brandwood giving a Vic Soc tour. Photo Copyright: The Victorian Society.
It is with enormous sadness that the The Victorian Society announces the sudden death of Dr Geoff Brandwood.
We are sure that members will share our sorrow at this news.
Geoff was Chairman of the Society from 2001-07, an ongoing and much valued member of our events committee and a great friend to many of us.
His work ranged from historic pubs to late Victorian churches, he was the leading expert on Temple Moore and was working on a monograph on G.E. Street at the time of his death.
The Victorian Society will be marking Geoff’s invaluable contribution to its work in a number of ways: details will be announced over the next months.
Geoff’s death leaves a huge void for his family, innumerable friends, the The Victorian Society and the wider heritage and academic communities.
He will be much missed, not only for his impressive list of achievements but for his friendly and approachable manner.
Details of Geoff’s funeral in London on Monday 20th December will provided on request