A shocking legacy of neglect and mistreatment

The top ten include Ipswich’s blighted and vandalised former County Hall and an atmospheric Essex church abandoned twenty years ago and left to decay.
‘The public responded enthusiastically to our call for threatened buildings,’ said Chris Costelloe, Director of the The Victorian Society. ‘It shows the public cares – but it also shows there are still too many historic buildings at risk, without recognition or protection.’
Solutions for the problems of the top ten vary enormously. Wingfield Station is in terrible condition and may require compulsory purchase by the local council; Butterley spillway needs its owner, Yorkshire Water, to rethink disastrous plans for a concrete replacement. Most of the ten demand urgent action; all deserve proper repair and planning for the future.
Chris adds, ‘Whether the solution is restoration or finding a new use for a building, it always takes money and often a long time. In the meantime it’s vital that historic buildings are secured against weather and vandals. We owe it to future generations to ensure such memorable buildings are still around in 100 years. ‘
‘Most people now regret the demolition of the the Euston Arch – we don’t want to see other important examples of our history lost to neglect, crime or short term economic concerns.’
The Society is calling for the public’s help in protecting and defending the nation’s historic buildings.