Sheffield City Council have chosen to delay making the Castlegate area of the City a Conservation Area

The Market Tavern, Exchange Street, Sheffield. One of very few examples of the Victorian/Edwardian streetscape in the Castlegate area of the city. Demolished ‘in error’ by Sheffield City Council. Photo courtesy of Dave Pickersgill, CAMRA.

Castlegate is a part of the city of Sheffield that has seen the total loss of three significant pieces of the heritage streetscape in the last twelve months:

The Market Tavern on Exchange Streetscape

The Old Coroner’s Court on Nursery Street

The previous Wiley & Co building on Haymarket

Despite this, and with calls from The Victorian Society and other heritage organisations to implement a Conservation Area immediately, the Council have declined to do so.

This is within their powers in law and could be based on the proposed Conservation Area from 2019. We have already seen 5 years of delay on this proposal and now we will see more delay during which time other valuable heritage could be at increased risk.

In response to a question to the Transport Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee posed by Nigel Slack, Chair of the Victorian Society South Yorkshire, the Council say they will  “…explore the question of Castlegate becoming an extension to the City Centre Conservation Area. “

Nigel Slack, Chair of the Victorian Society South Yorkshire, comments:

“This is wholly unacceptable as it will weaken the protections in both parts of the city. Castlegate is not simply an add on to the city centre, it is a distinctive part of the city’s history and includes a unique architectural and heritage built street scene.”

“If the Council then, after a further three months delay, decide to create the Conservation Area it will delay the matter until some unspecified date, according to Council “… during Summer 2025.”

Nigel Slack Comments:

“Delay benefits nobody, as the decision was already made, in principle, in 2019 and the designating of a Conservation Area now does not prevent proper scrutiny of how it will be managed in the timescale the Council is suggesting.”

There are no commitments to our heritage in this response from Sheffield City Council and it further weakens our trust in the willingness of Council to support the city’s history and heritage with action rather than mere words


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