Funded by event ticket sales, the Birmingham and West Midlands group was able to donate £2000 to the Divine Beauty Appeal, a campaign to restore the stained-glass windows at Birmingham Cathedral.
We are delighted to announce that the Birmingham and West Midlands group have donated £2000 to restore the beautiful stained-glass windows of Birmingham Cathedral. Designed by Birmingham born artist Edward Burne-Jones and made in the workshop of William Morris, the stained-glass windows have inspired visitors for 130 years. The windows need vital repairs and cleaning carried out, as well as work to ensure their protection and preservation for future generations.
A popular Day School event exploring the work of Edward Burne-Jones at the Birmingham and Midland Institute was attended by over 100 The Victorian Society members. Tickets purchased for the event by members raised the funds to make the donation possible and the cheque for £2000 was presented to the Dean of Birmingham at the Day School event on Saturday. The Victorian Society as a whole would like to thank each and every member who has made this possible.
The Very Revd Matt Thompson, Dean of Birmingham said, ‘it is our duty and our joy at Birmingham Cathedral to care for these world-class works of art by Edward Burne-Jones. They have inspired visitors, pilgrims and worshippers for generations and have always been loved by the people of Birmingham. I am therefore most grateful to the members of the The Victorian Society for their generous support of our Divine Beauty appeal which aims to ensure that these beautiful windows may continue to inspire people for generations to come.’
Stephen Hartland, Chairman of the Birmingham and West Midlands The Victorian Society stated, ‘I am thoroughly delighted to make this donation and we have the attendees of our Edward Burne-Jones study day to thank, as they made this donation possible by purchasing tickets.’