The Victorian Society needs a new director

The Victorian Society is a small society which packs a big punch. Established in 1958, it is one of six National Amenity Societies that are statutory consultees on alterations to listed buildings and, by law, must be notified of any work to a listed building which involves any element of demolition. Located in west London, in the leafy, late-Victorian suburb of Bedford Park, it is the leading voice in the ongoing fight for the conservation of Victorian and Edwardian architecture in England and Wales.

If you are passionate about Victorian and Edwardian buildings, are politically astute and good at dealing with people, then this might be the job for you.

You will be working with and directing an office staff of architectural caseworkers, media and events coordinators, as well as working with casework and events committees comprising volunteers who are experts in their fields. You will work to promote both the consultative and educational aspects of the Society’s work, leading campaigns, attending visits and introducing lectures and other events.

You will be responsible for the performance of your staff and answerable to the Board of Trustees.

If you would like to discuss the role in further detail, please contact, in confidence, the Chair of Trustees, Professor Hilary Grainger, on 07920 054600.

The closing date is the 2nd April 2024.


Read more here.



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