Mary Garside of Sheffield Hospitals History Group looks at why children were in the workhouse and what other options were available for those in need of care. We look at the work of John Wycliffe Wilson and other guardians of the workhouse in seeking an alternative system that didn’t stigmatise children. We get a glimpse of life for the children in the Scattered Homes in Sheffield and what may have happened to them in the future.
Mary Garside is a member of Sheffield Hospitals History Group which aims to conserve the history of Sheffield’s hospitals through preserving and sharing artefacts, photographs and memorabilia. Having trained as a nurse and midwife at the Northern General Hospital, Mary later worked as a health visitor in Sheffield. She has always been interested in local history and is particularly interested in the lives and experiences of those who have used the services of, or worked in, Sheffield’s hospitals.
Mary last spoke to The Victorian Society in March 2024 about the Sheffield workhouse and how it became the Northern General Hospital. It was a very popular talk and was practically a sell out!