South Yorkshire

Photo: Sheffield Old Town Hall Waingate Copyright Motacilla CC-BY-SA-4

South Yorkshire has a wealth of Victorian and Edwardian heritage to celebrate, as well as preserve. Working across the cities of Sheffield & Doncaster, as well as the two industrial towns of Barnsley & Rotherham, we are a region that went through dynamic growth in the 19th & early 20th centuries, leaving us a host of this period’s civic, commercial and industrial heritage assets. 

There are key buildings under threat in every part of the region, including the Old Town Hall in Sheffield (pictured above) suffering from dereliction and neglect from some owners, both private and public.

As a part of the Sheffield City Council Conservation Advisory Group, we work to mitigate the impact of modern development on cases big and small, whilst promoting The Victorian Society National ambitions around ending demolition as a permitted right and working directly with local planning departments and the Regional Mayor’s office to encourage sustainable and appropriate reuse of heritage assets of all kinds.


Click to see our upcoming events.



Read our latest news.



Contact the The Victorian Society South Yorkshire Group.


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The battle to save Victorian and Edwardian buildings is far from over.

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More information

The Victorian Society News for South Yorkshire

Sheffield City Council buys Salvation Army Citadel in the city centre

Wiley & Co Facade lost to the Sheffield Cityscape

Unique Sheffield Heritage Asset Lost to Redevelopment

Shocking Demolition of Heritage Asset  “…in error…”

South Yorkshire

South Yorkshire Group 12 Month Review

Quarterly Newsletter & Monthly Bulletins!

The South Yorkshire Group issues four local newsletters each year, normally in early January, early April, early July and early October. 8 to 12 pages packed with information and articles.

The Victorian Society National Members living in our area (South Yorkshire, North-east Derbyshire and some parts of Nottinghamshire.) will normally receive this as a PDF by email.

Local Subscribers will receive newsletters in the same way, but any member or subscriber without email access will still receive a printed copy by post.

The South Yorkshire Group will also issue an email Bulletin in the intervening months, with updates on activities & events, as well as any urgent matters that need action.

If you are a The Victorian Society member and live in our area but are not receiving the newsletter please let the editor know. If you have ideas for articles or are interested in contributing a story to the Newsletter please let the editor know what you have in mind.

Editor: Anne Louise Booth

Email: [email protected]

South Yorkshire Events

Disclaimer: You participate in events at your own risk and neither the Society nor its officers or servants accepts any liability of any kind whatsoever, howsoever arising. The Victorian Society reserves the right to cancel, alter or postpone events if necessary.

Talks take place at Showroom 5, Paternoster Row, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 2BX Doors open 7pm, Start time is 7.30pm prompt, unless otherwise specified. Showroom 5 is fully accessible and there is disabled parking available on Paternoster Row. Access to Showroom5 is through the cafe and into the cinema foyer at the far left corner.

The venue is a few minutes from Pond St Bus Station & the Midland Station for trains.

Entrance is open to members & non-members and costs £5.
To book a place for the new programme of talks you can use Eventbrite via the links on each event, Email via
[email protected] or just turn up on the night.

Upcoming South Yorkshire Events

Talk: Scattered Homes by Sheffield Hospitals History Group

Mary Garside of Sheffield Hospitals History Group looks at why children were in the workhouse and what other options were available for those in need of care.

Talk: Sheffield in 1903 – A History Tour of Central Sheffield through 120 Old Photographs with Martin Naylor

Talk: Philosophical Foundations: Origins of Sheffield’s First Public Museum in Weston Park

Previous events

Talk: Women’s Suffrage before the Suffragettes with Matthew Roberts & Denise Annett

Talk: Victorian Cutlery from The Ken Hawley Collection

Talk: Sheffield’s Crofts settlements with Christine Minter

Walk: Sheffield Networks of Activism – A free guided walk during Heritage Open Days

Walk: Walkley with Walkley Historians – SOLD OUT

A Walking Tour of City Road Cemetery, Sheffield with Graham Hague.

Visit: St John’s Church, Ranmoor, led by Mary Grover

A talk by Mary Grover about the History of the first St John’s Church in Ranmoor followed by a guided tour.

Ernest George and large country houses

In this talk, Hilary Grainger explores the larger country houses considered to be the backbone of his practice. He designed over two dozen with Peto and seven with Yeates, in addition to altering, restoring and adding to many others. Clients were drawn from a wide spectrum – the landed gentry, the professions, trade and industry and the middle classes.

Tour of Sheffield Town Hall – Led by Cllr Janet Ridler SCC Heritage Champion.

From Pauper Palace to Regional General Hospital – Mary Garside.

The Victorian Society South Yorkshire Contact Details

The committee for the South Yorkshire Group:

  • Chair – Nigel Slack
  • Treasurer – Nick Morris
  • Committee Secretary – Margaret Bennett
  • Activities Secretary – Lucia Contrino
  • Local membership secretary and newsletter editor – Anne Louise Booth


General Enquiries Email : [email protected] – You will receive a response from the appropriate committee member at the earliest opportunity

The South Yorkshire Group does not do casework. If you are concerned about a Victorian or Edwardian building, please get in touch with one of our conservation advisers.

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Your contribution ensures that Victorian and Edwardian heritage receives the advocacy it deserves.

Together, we can preserve and protect these invaluable historical treasures for generations to come.


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