Home, sustainable home
March 2010 Large scale demolition has been suggested as one way of meeting the targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But the Energy Savings Trust estimates that four-fifths of the houses that will be standing in 2050 have already been built.
So the challenge is what to do with our existing houses, one in five of which was built before 1919. This issue of the Victorian does not come up with any definitive answers but shows what has been done.
Carbon neutral Victorian and Edwardian houses Tim Yates discusses climate change and the houses we live in
89 Culford Road, London N1 Robert Prewitt describes a radical approach to conserving energy in a Hackney house
9-11 Gilmour's Close, Grassmarket, Edinburgh Adam Wilkinson describes the repair and refurbishment of a mixed use Victorian tenement block
House Notes: Windows Jessica Snow on Historic Scotland's research into improving thermal efficiency in sash windows
The Crimean Memorial Church Gavin Stamp on Street's Istanbul masterpiece and other Victorian gems in that city
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