To infinity and beyond

Issue No. 59


November 2018

The next sixty years of the The Victorian Society 

Robert Thorne looks at the Society' future.

The books that built us 

Griff Rhys Jones, Jonathan Meades, Sir David Cannadine, Dame Fiona Reynolds, Dr Tristram Hunt, Dr Rosemary Hill, Dr Anna Keay and Simon Jenkins nominate the books on Victorian architecture which inspired them.

Owen Jones and the Orient 

Olivia Horsfall Turner unveils a new Own Jones acquision for the V&A

House notes: Let it flow 

Moses Jenkins on ventilation in old buildings

Top Ten Endangered Buildings 2018 

Harriet Lawrence on this year's list of most threatened Victorian and Edwardian buildings.


An update on the Society's recent casework.

Case Study: Toynbee Hall 

Book reviews 

Young of Belfast, science and the Palace of Westminster, 'Authentic Restoration', and the new Pevsner for Dorset.

News and views 

St Andrew's Moscow, Christina Rossetti and an appreciation of the career of the late Nicola Gordon Bowe.

A Society built on you 

Harriet Lawrence interviews Nina Hatch about her thirty years volunteering for the The Victorian Society.

Currently Unavailable

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