Exchange Buildings Leicester by Stockdale Harrison 1888 Photo Peter Ellis

Leave a gift in your will to save history for future generations

Legacies keep The Victorian Society going and can have huge tax benefits for the donor. They enable supporters like you to make a larger donation than may be possible during your lifetime.

Since 1958 The Victorian Society has transformed public and government attitudes to nineteenth and twentieth-century architecture, saving many wonderful buildings, spreading knowledge and providing enjoyment through our events. Legacies continue to be a key financial resource in our battle to ensure that future generations can enjoy the nation’s rich heritage of Victorian and Edwardian architecture.

  • We saved St Pancras Station.
  • We’ve saved hundreds of church buildings.
  • We’ve changed attitudes and made the beauty of Victorian and Edwardian buildings obvious to all.

To hear about how your gift can secure our nation’s heritage, contact our Director, James Hughes, on 020 8747 5891 or email [email protected].

Your legacy is vital to protect our country’s past. Thank you.

Click here to find out in detail how you can help or call 0208 747 5891.